Rifle and bowhunting

Exclusive wild boar, red stag and fallow buck huntingWild boar posed with huntersAnother typical wild boar parade for one night.Wild boar result for first night February 2020. Four medal keilers including a big gold medal.Wild boar and fallow deer posed in August 2018Evening hunt for four huntersHunter with wild boarThree hunters with keilersThree silver medal trophies taken one evening by one hunterNorwegian hunter with keiler gold medal tusksYoung hunter with boar (keiler) with gold medal tusksClose up of boar with gold medal tusksHunter with gold medal trophy - wild boar - keilerHunter with huge gold medal trophy - wild boar, keilerClose up of gold medal tusks (28,5 cm), Wild Boar, KeilerYounger lady having taken three nice keilers one eveningCouple with evenings paradeHunter with keilerDanish hunter with large keiler trophyEnglish hunter with large keiler trophyMom and son with yet another gold medal keiler trophyEnglish hunter with medal trophy, wild boar, keilerHappy hunter with keilerDanish hunter with silver medal trophy, wild boar - keilerHunter with keiler and femaleHunter with large keilerHunter with two medal trophies, wild boar - keilersTwo French hunters with keiler trophies.KeilerYoung female hunter with überlauferFather and three sons with wild boar on poseHunter with fallow buck and two überlaufersHunter with red dear stag. Antler weight: 11,5 kgHunter with fallow buckHunter with fallow buckBowhunter with wild boarSunset over the forest seen from a high seatAlain fishing a killed boarCollecting animals after huntingEmptying animals after huntWild boar feeding on fieldWild boar feedingWild boar on fieldWild boar on fieldWild boar feeding on fieldSows with small pigletsWild boar at sunriceFallow buckFallow bucks and wild boarRed deer stag with 10+ kg antlersRed deer stagHerd of red deerMature red stagsRed stagRed stag with his hinds during rutting seasonTusks from group hunt including two silver medals (eight hunters)Tusk from group hunt 2018. Several madal tusksTusks from group hunt February 2020. One gold, five silver and three bronce medal throphiesCIC gold medal tusks - Large keiler trophySCI gold medal boar tusks - Big male wild boar (Keiler) trophyBarbecue place in the forestBarbecue place at nightCooling room in the forestRunning wild boar training site at Domaine Bois de la GinesteRunning wild boar training site at Domaine Bois de la Gineste


Domaine Bois de la Gineste is consisting of very dense evergreen oak forest with many small open fields and water holes, spread across varied terrain and enclosed within a fully fenced in region.

On top of hunting at sunrise and sunsets hunting events are offered under the light of the full moon. Wild boar hunting under these conditions is one of the most exciting hunts one can imagine.

Hunters are placed in high seats from where they have an elevated overview of a large or small area of the forest.

Since wild boar is mainly nocturnal and the population of wild boar in the forest is high, the forest literally becomes alive at night, providing hunters with exciting hunting scenes. Also driven hunts are offered.

Over three hunting days eight hunters may kill around 30-50 wild boars.

Rifle hunting

Rifle hunting may take place with calibers adequate for wild boar hunting. A riflescope with an illuminated reticle is definitely preferable as hunting also takes place under moonlight conditions.

Adequate rifles (7 mm Rem. Mag. calibers with 3-12×56 illuminated Zeiss scopes) can be rented at Domaine Bois de la Gineste.


Domaine Bois de la Gineste also provides outstanding possibilities for bowhunting.

Rifle and bow hunting for wild boar
Wild boar (Keiler) trophy

Hunting seasons

Hunting stays are made for groups of four to eight hunters or two to four hunters accompanied by their spouses. Hunting takes place at sun-up, sun-down as well as at moonlight except in cloudy conditions.

Hunting arrangements normally include two to three days of hunting starting with sunset and moonlight hunting on the day of arrival. The hunting stays include accommodation and full board including wine and drinks.

Hunts are arranged the whole year. For wild boarhunts ideal periods are the days up to full moon.

Please check for availability through e-mail to [email protected]

Wild boars feeding
Wild boar feeding

Hunting pictures